I Wake Up With A start in the middle of the night, as I feel A Tiny and Precious Paw Reaching Up to Tenderly pull at my arm. Paw Paw, Paw Paw, It Is My Baby Pumpkin, Wanting a little Bit Of Love, A Cuddle, a snuggle, So Of Course, I try to wake up. But It’s four in the Morning, and I was Dead asleep only seconds ago. I try and fight to stay awake, but it’s not working. Pumpkin, My Kitty, observes the obstacle, of my sleepy headedness, and she devises a plan. She knows that she must use all of her best awakening techniques, so she lets out the loudest little, “Meow!” I have ever heard in my Life. It Works! I open My eyes at Last, and There sitting by the edge of my bed, and still pawing at my arm, which had been left carelessly by me, dangling off the side, There Meowing persistently, is My precious Pumpkin. I start to pet Her, and she pets me back, snuggling my hand with her Beautiful, face,. Pumpkin closes her Stunning and perfect Tiny Blue Goddess Eyes, as she happily enjoys her victory, and our time snuggling.